
  • The 6 Benefits of Decorating with Silk Florals

    The 6 Benefits of Decorating with Silk Florals

    Silk florals have been gaining popularity over the past few years as an alternative to fresh flowers. And why not? They offer a multitude of benefits that fresh flowers can't...

    Amy Renter |

  • How To Make Neutral Look Natural

    How To Make Neutral Look Natural

    Decorating your home with a neutral color palette is a great way to create a calming and serene atmosphere. Not only that, but neutral colors are also a great way...

    Amy Renter |

  • Maintenance-Free Outdoor Florals For 2023

    Maintenance-Free Outdoor Florals For 2023

    At Magnolias, we believe that faux florals are the best choice for any outdoor space, because they are maintenance-free, require no watering, and never wilt leaving you without worries over your summer vacation.

    Amy Renter |